Maybe you recently received your first animal trophy order from your taxidermist, or you’re a long-time taxidermy collector. No matter what, the key to your mount surviving time is to take care of it.
So, how long does taxidermy last? Well, it really depends a lot on how well you care for it and where you hang it or the methods in which you store it, as well as the quality of the taxidermy work itself. Taxidermy animal mounts that were custom made in a professional shop and are cleaned on a regular basis can last decades. On the other hand, a low quality job and neglect may only give taxidermy a small handful of years.
Here are some steps you can follow to help keep your prized taxidermy in Cody, WY looking healthy, beautiful and lifelike for decades.
Keep cleaning methods simple
There are numerous websites that will tell you to use certain products and questionable cleaning solutions on taxidermy. But the best way to care for your animal mounts is to stick to the simplest cleaning methods—especially since today’s taxidermy practices include infusing specific oils into some hides as an invisible protective layer. This lets you focus more on the cosmetics.
Plan to dust trophies once a week
Short fur, long fur, feathers or scales, it’s a good idea to dust your trophies once a week with a dry feather duster or soft cloth. Unfortunately, when dirt and dust build up, it can make your prized trophy look old and mangy, or even turn it into a home for insects. Like dusting your furniture, always dust your mounts starting at the top, working your way to the bottom.
Plan a thorough cleaning every year
Once or twice a year, you should plan on giving all your animal mounts a thorough cleaning. Remember to keep cleaning methods simple. With cleaning gloves on, mix a few drops of gentle dish detergent into a container of water; don’t let suds form. For shorthaired mounts, take a lightly dampened cloth (never soaked) and wipe in the direction of the fur. Do the same for longhaired trophies, but also make sure to fluff the fur after. Use the cool setting on a hairdryer to blow away dirt and dust. If you are uncomfortable cleaning your mounts, hire a professional.
Maintain the trophy’s features
Many of the individual features of taxidermy pieces require specific methods for cleaning and preservation:
- Horns and antlers: For a quick clean that works, simply wipe down with a soft, damp rag.
- Eyes: Taxidermy eyes are made of glass. Use glass cleaner on a cotton swab to clear up any dullness.
- Nose: Clean it like fur, and then add some clear lacquer to rejuvenate the wet nose look.
- Scenery: Rocks, wood, foliage and other things set in natural settings need weekly dusting, too.
At Nature’s Design Taxidermy, we understand how important it is that you take home a superior animal mount. It’s for this reason that we take taxidermy in Cody, WY very seriously. The final product you receive is backed by our unsurpassed skills and experience in the art—we never rush through a job. Contact us today for more information!