If you enjoy hunting for animal trophies either for business or to display in your at-home trophy room, then you probably like sharing your hunting stories with others. But in all the excitement between the time you spend hunting, taking your animal to the taxidermist and reliving the hunt through storytelling, there’s a chance you may forget important points and details. Avoid giving an inaccurate recount by taking the time to record your hunt through words and visuals.
Whether you have your heart set on deer, bear, bird or mountain lion mounts in Cody, WY, if you want to remember the details of your hunt or have an accurate story to tell friends and family afterwards, consider documenting your hunting adventure from start to finish. Here are five ways you can do just that:
- Photography: While out in the wilderness, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to photograph nature. But since your primary objective is to come back home with a trophy animal, your camera should be small—think a pocketsize point-and-shoot or the camera on your phone. Use a large capacity memory card so you can snap away and pick the best pictures later.
- Video: Another great technology to use is video. Your smartphone should have a video recording function or, to free up your hands, strap on a headgear video camera to record from your point of view. You can edit the footage into a mini movie once you get home.
- Photo books: Sharing digital photos online is the easiest way to show friends and family your hunting adventures. But you can take it even further by having a photo book made. This way, you choose the best photographs to be printed into a coffee table book for guests to look through, or for your own personal keepsake.
- Write: If you are planning a longer hunt, say at least a few days, and you like to write, you might want to keep a journal. Jot down notes of your day, adding dates and times to each entry, and even sketch interesting things you see in nature. Use paper and pen instead of a laptop if the trip is also meant to be a vacation from technology.
- Animal mount: You will want to preserve your animal trophies, so what better way to document your hunting success than having a quality animal mount made? To remember a particularly enjoyable hunting trip for the rest of your life, set up the taxidermy piece somewhere in your trophy room where you will always be able to marvel at it.
Whichever method you decide to use to document your hunt, for safety purposes and to avoid missing your big shot, make sure you maintain a sense of your surroundings.
The next time you are in the market for a taxidermist to work on an animal trophy, like deer, bear and mountain lion mounts in Cody, WY, we hope that you will contact our talented team here at Nature’s Design Taxidermy. Creating lifelike animal mounts is what we do best!