For avid hunters and collectors of taxidermy, placing one or two trophies on your wall is probably not enough to leave you satisfied. However, unless your partner or roommate is also into hunting as much as you are, chances are they may not want your trophies hanging all over your home.
For this reason and so many others, you should create a trophy room where you’re able to display all your prized possessions. Trophy rooms are special—they showcase your hard work and dedication to the sport of hunting, and give you a place to call your own.
Unfortunately, while the idea of a trophy room sounds appealing to hunters, not all of them are willing to spend enough time developing their trophy room design. But this is a mistake! A well-thought-out plan for your trophy room is very important for a number of reasons.
In the same way that you spend time and energy hunting for your precious game, and your taxidermist spends time and energy carefully mounting your trophies for display, you should also spend time and energy on designing your trophy room.
Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t skimp on your trophy room design:
- It lets you show off: One of the best reasons to devote your attention to your trophy room design is because, when you have an amazing, well-designed trophy room, you’ll be much prouder to show it off. Visitors will be in awe of a beautifully crafted trophy room with expertly mounted game hung on the walls. However, if your trophy room design is a little slapdash, it might not look as impressive to you or your guests.
- You can enjoy a space for yourself: Everyone needs a space in their home to call their own, and your trophy room can be yours if you want it to be. If you want your trophy room to double as a den, office or lounge space, you’ll want to work those functions into your planning and design to make sure your space can accommodate it all. Without thinking ahead about these things, you might miss an opportunity to create your own perfect space.
- Provide the ultimate care for your trophies: A well-planned and carefully put-together trophy room is ultimately better for your trophies, as well. Without a great trophy room design, some of your mounts may sit collecting dust in a random area of your home because they can’t fit, which isn’t good for their longevity. Additionally, if you don’t take the time to plan where your mounts will go, you may end up hanging them too low where people can bump into them and cause damage. And without the proper lighting and temperature settings, your trophies may get damaged by the sun or heat.
If designing spaces isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry! Contact Nature’s Design Taxidermy and ask about our trophy room design services. As experts in the world of taxidermy, we can help mount your trophies and get them displayed in a way that makes sense for you and your home.